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Novel "L'estive" - 01.V.2024 - 14 × 22,5 / 352 pages / 22 €
La femme du diable
[The Devil’s Wife]

Loosely based on the life of Antoinette Durand de Gros, aka Citizen Sorgue, the anarchist and political campaigner active at the turn of the 20th century, this fascinating novel brings to life the outbreak of the First World War, imbued the suffering of the wounded, the distress of the families, and the appearance of the first war profiteers. It is the portrait of an extraordinary woman who acquired the reputation of ‘the most dangerous woman in Europe’.
Daniel Crozes

A historian and novelist, Daniel Crozes has written some fifty books, all of which are published by Le Rouergue. Deeply attached to his native Aveyron, he has become a chronicler of this region in the south of France and a teller of its stories. Steeped in its culture, he is an avid explorer of its history, which he has retraced with exemplary rigour and recorded for posterity in a variety of genres, drawing on a wide range of unpublished archives and personal testimonies.
© Varret
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